Collage Easter eggs – Pattern


Blown out eggs or fake eggs for hobbies

Embroidery Thread

The eggs are covered with 2 kinds of small motifs, crocheted with only 2 threads embroidery yarn

Start by making some different styles of motif 1 and motif 2 in different colors.

Pattern motif 1:

Work 8 ch and join with sl st to form a ring

Rnd 1  4 dc, ch 4 x 4, join with sl st

Pattern motif 2:

Work 8 ch and join with sl st to form a ring

Rnd 1  2 dc, ch 2 x 7, join with sl st

Rnd 2  2 dc into the 2 dc, ch 3 x 7, join with sl st


Now the puzzle begins.

Start sewing some of the motives loosely together.

Form them around the egg, sew more motifs on and/or together till the whole egg is covered.

Stretch the motifs and sew together so that the whole egg is covered and the motifs will be tightly seated around the egg. It takes some patience.


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